New Moon In Aquarius - Innovate or Die

Published: Mon, 01/27/14

Should I apologize for the dramatic headline? Maybe.
With the new moon in Aquarius aspecting my Venus in Leo, I might have gone 'round the bend with that, but maybe not.
To understand the new moon, I look at Uranus, ruler of Aquarius. Uranus is in Aries, in tight aspect to the moon. He's clearly in play.

Uranus in Aries is all about having the courage to be original. Most are aware that Uranus is squaring Pluto at this time. Pluto rules death so you see how I came up with the headline.
Will you really die, if you don't innovate? 

People are losing jobs they can't replace. What would you suggest they do? Innovate?

Businesses have to come up with new ideas as well. Facebook is losing young people in droves. What does that mean?
It means, innovate or die.
I strongly suggest you put aside your fear under this new moon and fight to break new ground.
If you want guidance around setting an intention, check the Transit Watch - New Moon in Aquarius - Effects Through The Houses.
You have until Thursday.
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