Peacemaking (For Fun, Profit, The Good Of Humanity, And Other More Nefarious Reasons)

Published: Fri, 03/07/14

Mars in Libra trines Mercury in Aquarius with the Moon in Gemini through Sunday morning.

People may contact (Mercury) each other in an effort (Mars) to peace-make (Libra) or come to some kind of truce in a struggle they're having.

You may experience this personally, but it will also take place on a broader scale.

For example, the countries and various communities that find themselves embroiled in expensive conflicts (wars) have motivation to come to cooperation if they can. Many will meet resistance.

I could call this "unfortunate" in the interest of political correctness, but to maintain my integrity, I have to say, that's not always the case.

People are very pushy right now. If you try to push me in a direction I don't want to go, and I resist it, I don't find it the least bit "unfortunate"!

It's Saturn in Scorpio setting up the block. He's squaring Mercury in Aquarius. If you do contact someone with a pitch, hopefully you've thought about it (Mercury) deeply (Saturn in Scorpio). Otherwise, the rejection (Saturn) may pain you, deeply (Pluto).

On the upside, it's possible to collaborate and come up with innovative ideas at this time.

So many are "in it to win it" these days.  They've lost sight of the bigger picture.

Are you in it to win it, at any cost?

I'm not.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment.

Have a great day!