My Nutty Idea For Valentine's Day (To Stave Off Bad Feelings)

Published: Fri, 02/14/14

Happy Valentine's Day!


We've got two T-squares to deal with today. Don't shoot the messenger! It takes a fair amount of nerve to even show up in your mailbox with this much tension. But you know me - I've got more nerve then sense!

Saturn in Scorpio squares the Sun, Mercury in Aquarius and the full Moon in Leo. This will put a damper on fun. However, if you go for depth, you'll fare better.

I'm thinkin' along the lines of enjoying a meal from the old country - any old country! I'll probably go for German food, made from recipes that have been handed down for generations.

This will allow me to be seen (Leo) and eccentric (Aquarius) since I'm not German. It will also invoke Jupiter in Cancer (international home food) which can't hurt.

Seriously though (Capricorn joke), Venus is conjunct Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Be easy on yourself and others and whatever you do, don't kick a man when he's down, because this sky screeeeeeeams KARMA.

If you like this letter, please pass it on!
Have a great day!