How The Uranus Square Pluto Affects YOU

Published: Tue, 11/12/13

Uranus is in hard aspect to Pluto creating turmoil, the scope and size we've not seen since the 1960's. People new to astrology struggle to understand how these things affect them personally.

In short, Uranus disrupts, changes and liberates. Pluto uncovers, heals, destroys and transforms.
It's easy to see these themes clashing in headlines around the world. We have little to say about it.  But you can exercise some control in your own light.

I see the combination of these planets deconstructing whatever they touch, often suddenly and unexpectedly.  Then that thing rises from the ashes in a new form.

There is chaos in this process, but if you understand it, you can minimize that. There may be some experimentation before the thing emerges in its new form. I'll give you some examples.

Uranus and Pluto are aspecting my natal Mercury (siblings, mental functions, etc).  Besides all the shock and drama with my sister, the way I think about things has changed, radically. I came very close to losing (Pluto) my entire blog, but instead I am now free (Uranus) to execute my ideas and  write (Mercury) whatever I want.

The most profound change is that what I thought was desperately important a year ago has become utterly unimportant today. As positive and liberating as that sounds,  the process knocked me for a loop!

To figure out how this energy is affecting you, look at the part of your life that is under total reconstruction.  It's as if a typhoon comes through... and you rebuild.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule an appointment.
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Have a great day!