Breakfast In Bed

Published: Mon, 07/22/13

My husband left his coffee cup on his nightstand.  He usually brings it into the kitchen and must have forgotten when he went to work.

I'm glad he did. I had to walk around the bed to pick up his cup. I glanced and saw that a small amount of the creamy coffee he likes was left in the bottom of the cup. I drink my coffee black and remembered making his, early in the morning.

I have served my husband breakfast in bed every morning we slept together for going on ten years. Every morning.

I'm sure to continue to do this because I enjoy it and it's easy for me. It's easier than anything else I can think of doing.

I don't really want him in my hair in the kitchen. He likes to sleep and I like to wake up.

I bring him his food and coffee and leave him to eat it. He's happy and I am unhindered. Unhindered and happy mean the same thing in my world.

You may know or be able to guess that my husband is a Taurus. He's very easy to please, but it's our Moons that harmonize so well.

When a couple's Moons are in harmony, they have an easy time at home.  They make each comfortable without a lot of effort.  

You may think my husband has the good end of this deal, but it's not the case. My husband understands if I have to sit in bed and eat with him, I'll go insane... so he doesn't ask for that.

This is astrology in real life.  You and your partner may have Moons that harmonize or you may not. But you have things like this too and it pays to acknowledge them.

You can check for compatibility of this kind with a Relationship Compatibility Report.. It's amazing what you can discover about yourself.
Have a great day!
Elsa P