Taurus Love Fest!

Published: Wed, 05/01/13

Mercury joins the Sun, Venus and Mars in Taurus today, giving us an official large stellium in the sign. Is there something of solid value in your life right now? I suspect there is.
The stellium takes place in my 4th house. It's my family that's reliable. Both my husband and my son are Taurus and these men don't budge.
Taurus is often dogged for being boring but with such an emphasis on the sign over the next week, this is a good time to come to understand and appreciate constancy.  You get this letter week after week after week. The reliability is stabilizing.
The stellium will last until May 9th, culminating with a solar eclipse in the sign..  At that point, all the personal planets with be in Taurus, which is a rare and remarkable event.
Saturn in Scorpio will oppose the planets in Taurus. You may experience frustration with such emphasis on the Fixed signs, particularly if you're trying to move an immovable person. 
Keep in mind, if you tell a Taurean to "hurry", they will slow down accordingly!
If your birthdays occurs in this time frame, be sure and get your Solar Return report. This will be a big year.

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Have a great day!
Elsa P