Shortcut To Solving The Problems That Prevent You From Finding Love And Happiness

Published: Wed, 07/03/13

I know a lot of people who do nothing but fail in relationships. I bet you know a lot of people like this as well. You may be one of them yourself.

Venus (love) is now squaring Saturn in Scorpio, which is about to turn direct.  Saturn in Scorpio is all about getting to the root of a problem and making it right.  You've got to address the crack in the foundation; that's just all there is to it.
Now if you like being alone, that's fine. I also know people who have determined they are better off to forgo relationship at this time in their life. They may be focused on raising their children or whatever.  That's fine too. But if you're sick of failing in love and you do want a partner, now is the time to get serious about it.
Having Libra, I see a lot of value in partnering. It just makes life easier when you have someone on your side.  If you continually struggle with this, chances are there is an underlying reason.
A lot of my consultations are focused in this area. Consequently, I've become an expert on identifying the challenges people face and on coming up with solutions.
I also, personally have every single relationship problem that exists. I don't miss a trick on this front.  While it may have taken me decades, I have resolved each of them, and at this point I am perfectly positioned to help you do the same.
If you want to learn the hard way, have at it. But if you want to take advantage of my age and pain and experience, you can access an answer sheet to the whole entire mess in the form of my Master Class - Finding Love With Astrology.
In this class you'll not only learn to define and resolve the problems you have, you'll learn to spot them in others which is just as valuable.

If you're ready to quit nursing your problems and dive in and address them directly, this class is for you!
Have a great day!
Elsa P