Lying In The Fog - Who's Deceiving Who?

Published: Mon, 05/13/13

The Uranus Pluto square has brought traumatic upheaval to  all of our lives on some level. Saturn in Scorpio, pressures the psyche and the collective in general.
These things combined create a huge distraction for Neptune, a planet associated with deception and denial and imagination among other things.
The bombing in Boston vividly illustrates all three energies.
  • There was an shocking (Uranus) explosion (Pluto). 
  • The collective was unnerved (Scorpio), frightened, and restricted (Saturn). 
  • The media and various conspiracy theorists created fog and confusion (Neptune) on every level.
Neptune will find overt expression this week, as he squares Venus and Mercury. In plain language, people are going to lie.
The lies could be deliberate or they may be a result of some kind of slip. A person may lie to cover a slip!
"Did you tell X, this or that, which will piss me off?"
"No," the person says, lying to avoid conflict.
It could be a person lies to others but they may also deceive themselves.  They may deceive themselves by believing someone is lying when they are not!
You get the picture. If someone tells you something (with their fingers crossed behind their back), they may be lying.
If you think someone is lying to you, make sure you're not lying as well! 
Also make sure you don't believe an honest person is lying, because of a lie a liar told you!
If you align with people who inspire you and avoid those who undermine, you should fare well.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult
I have a new detailed transit report available.  Check out my other reports here.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P