How To Shed A Mindset That Prevents You From Finding Love

Published: Mon, 05/20/13

I have a friend whose son is in his early twenties. He's been hexed on the love front. Every woman he's ever been involved with has treated him in a crummy way.

Though he is smart and looks like a model, he treats women so well that they figure something is wrong with him. He's spent his life proving the axiom that "nice guys finish last."

You'd expect this man to develop a bad mindset about relationships. You'd expect him conclude that all women are lousy.  Conversely, he might decide that he is the one who is flawed, even though he did nothing wrong.

He didn't do this and that was good, because a person's beliefs tend to be reinforced over time. They decide they're going to be victimized if they do not become cagey and develop defenses.

This is not at all conducive to being happy in love. "If things go poorly before you decide to be victimized, they'll go even worse if you act like a victim.

What's sad is that most likely the person has simply taken the wrong path.  Even sadder, they may never have known there was right path!  But there is hope.  And this man is an example of how that works.

This man has met a new woman, his mother feels she is "the one".  She's made this judgement based primarily on this fact: The girl is great to her son. She loves him!

One person looks at their painful relationship history and decides they will never be loved. Another has that same history and because of it, when they are loved, they recognize it and move to lock in a profit!

I have been consulting for many years. I have seen countless people turn their lives around. The people who get results are the people who are willing to drop their losing patterns and take good advice.

In the past I would often identify a relationship problem for a client but have no time to go into the solution for the problem. To address this, I finally created this Master Class, Finding Love With Astrology.

In the class, I outline all the common problems people have, as well as explain how they can be resolved. I've become an expert on this topic, not only from working with so many people over time, but also because I have every single problem myself and guess what? I've overcome them all!

If I can do it, you can do it.