Satisfying Your Moon (Without Indulging It)

Published: Wed, 05/15/13

Continuing on the topic of "Live your sun, satisfy your moon," I thought I'd write about ways people fail to satisfy their moon.

The Moon represents your emotional needs. Some reject their moon by denying they have emotion or needs!  This is freakishly common.  

People not only deny their feelings. Some women go as far as to deny their own sex (female = moon). These women say they are more like a man than a woman. This is quite a feat considering the estrogen in their bodies.

Here's an odd thing: some people err in the other direction. They think they're satisfying their Moon, but what they're really doing is indulging it.  

They can do this by wallowing in their emotion. A person who does this tends to neglect their Sun/solar energy so they fail to shine.

For instance, eating satisfies your Moon. Emotional eating indulges your Moon. This goes beyond satisfying your Moon and winds up having a detrimental effect on your feelings and your waistline!

Your Moon is the most personal thing in your chart. She shows what you and the people closest to you (like your family) know about you. In contrast, your Sun shows what others know about you.

If you want insight into what satisfies your moon, check out one of my natal reports. This is covered in Chapter 5: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance.   

Have a great day,
Elsa P