What is the Meaning Of A Saturn Return?

Published: Mon, 03/25/13

I want to answer some questions today.

First question...

QUESTION:  "What is the meaning of a Saturn return?"

ELSA:  The Saturn return is when you define yourself as an adult. It occurs at about 28.5 years old.

If you pay attention, you'll see it's very common that people pull their lives together right before they turn 30.  A person may quit an addiction, or settle down in a relationship. They may realize they need a real job.  For example, I knew a man who quit selling drugs when he was 26. He went to college and became an engineer.

If you're doing well in life at the time of your Saturn return, then carry on! If not, this marks your last chance to get your life on track, or suffer the consequences. I think that guy did better as an engineer then he would have as a coke dealer, over time!

Second question...

QUESTION:    "I am struggling with finding someone to share thoughts, emotions, ideas and experiences with whom is sincere, genuine, balanced and evolved."

ELSA: This is the wrong thing to be looking for! Sorry, but it's just not how life works.

In reality, people come together in their various states.  The interaction changes them.  You are looking for a "finished project"? Why? 

The minute you interact with a person, they start to morph.  This is true for all, but it's inordinately true for you. You're a double Scorpio with Venus and Uranus in the sign as well.  You're going to transform anyone you mix it up with, so your premise here is all wrong.

Your quest for perfection in a partner is a way is doomed to fail and has probably had more to do with being commitment-phobic than anything else.

It's worth uncovering what is driving you. If you really, secretly want to be alone, this is something you want to know about yourself. On the other hand, if you really want to partner and you're subconsciously thwarting yourself, you're liable to keep doing it, until and unless come to understand your own machinations.

This may sound complicated, but I lay it out in very simple terms in my Master Class - Finding Love With Astrology.  There are sections on both commitment-phobia and "perfectionists".
Have a great day!
Elsa P
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