Weekend On Fire! (Don't Open If You Have Virgin Ears)

Published: Fri, 04/12/13

This weekend (Saturday and Sunday) the stellium in Aries swells as Mercury joins the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus in the sign.
The Moon will be in Gemini where it will hook up with Jupiter.  This is no time to cling!
You don't have to get up and go, but if you try to hold someone back who wants to move, you should expect to be dragged and probably injured in the process.
Trying to hold someone back in this climate would be like trying to stop a plane, taking off on a runway.  They don't even try to portray such a thing in cartoons!
Also, keep in mind that Aries is an independent sign and I'll quote old friend, Arie on this one. His name is coincidental.
After retiring from Special Forces, Arie worked as a detective for 30 years.  He learned a lot about human nature in the process and came to this conclusion:
"Motherfuckers are going to do what motherfuckers are going to do."
Keep that in mind this weekend.It will help you out. And try to be the plane taking off, rather than the guy trying to stop it!
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Have a great rush...I mean, weekend!
Elsa P