Pluto Turns Retrograde Tomorrow: Focus Your Stress!

Published: Thu, 04/11/13

Contrary to what some astrologers claim, progress does not stop just because a planet turns retrograde.
I am sure of this, because I am old now and not once in my life have I seen a person or group of people, stopped dead in their tracks, unable to move ahead or navigate the next turn in their lives if it be their will.
This retrograde period is particularly rich. If you think you have to wait on a planet,  not only will you miss an opportunity, you're likely to suffer a lot of stress for no reason!
Pluto will close it's square with Uranus between now and May. This combo spells STRESS, so it makes a lot more sense to set a goal - see Don't Bother Hiding Under The Bed. I don't know about you, but if I am going to stress, I want results for my trouble! 
Pluto in Capricorn is in mutual reception to Saturn in Scorpio. If you're unsure how to deal with this energy or are ready for deeper exploration, check out the transcript from my workshop on this topic.  All meat. No fluff!
Have a great day!
Elsa P