Heads Up From Elsa P: January 3, 2013 - Heat, Pressure and Self Control

Published: Thu, 01/03/13

Thursday is tense! Mercury, in the cautious sign of Capricorn, squares Uranus in Aries which is given to impulsive or even reckless action. You may get unexpected (Uranus) news (Mercury) that burdens (Capricorn) you, or you may deliver such news. Mercury-ruled Gemini and Virgo are liable to be particularly agitated. See Transit Watch for more info.
By Thursday evening the Moon gets involved with Mercury and Uranus, as well as Pluto. Expect emotional upheaval and communication may be heated or completely cut off. People will be reactive, so anyone who exercises some control of themselves will have a big advantage; never mind periods like this can often pass without incident if you keep a cool head. 
Friday is still pressured, into Saturday morning as the moon in Libra squares planets in Capricorn. That aspect will clear later in the day, but we have some other things to watch that are deep, dark and potentially depressing.
Sunday, Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. Think in terms of consolidation but you're likely to see contraction rather than expansion.  Sometimes less is more, so let's hope that is the case. 
The Moon in Scorpio conjuncts Saturn Sunday night into Monday, which may very mark a 30-day emotional low. Mars in Aquarius squaring Saturn is not going help matters. You can have a drive for freedom (Mars in Aquarius) and hit a wall (Saturn).
Tuesday, the Moon in Sagittarius contacts Jupiter. This is the last day Venus is in Sagittarius so this is the day you can probably see the big picture and put things in perspective.
Wednesday, we still have the Moon in Sadge to keep us feeling okay. However, Venus enters Capricorn joining the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in the sign. That's a lot of reality in your face, more than most people like.
It's rough week, but here's your cheat sheet:  Work hard to avoid becoming embittered. If you have something to grind out, now is the time.  Also, this is just one week of many and it will pass!
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult
I also have a new detailed transit report. Details here. Check out other reports here. Follow on Twitter.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P