Heads Up From Elsa P: September 20, 2012 - Cardinal T-Square, Mental Anguish, Anger, and Egos Unleashed

Published: Thu, 09/20/12

There will  no shortage of strife and stress and pressure during this very eventful week. People complain when they feel this letter is "negative" but I feel this letter is like the weather report and forewarned is forearmed.
We have two cardinal T-squares to contend with this week, first one and then the other.   We also have to deal with an intense and dramatic T-square between Venus and Mars.
The first T-Square involves Mercury, Uranus and Pluto.  This will create mental stress which can manifest in a number of ways:  hateful, shocking speech; car accidents; and the violent clashing of minds.
Towards the end of our newsletter week, Mercury moves out of orb of the Uranus Pluto square and the Sun takes his place. Here we'll see egos unleashed and in some cases, egos with be devastated. I have covered both T-squares in a Transit Watch here.
Keywords for Venus in Leo squaring Mars in Scorpio, in effect all week, are "angry drama". See Transit Watch for details: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
So that's the backdrop this week. Here are the details, day by day:
Thursday & Friday - The Moon in Sagittarius is upbeat but with all the angst in the air, and the fact the Moon will oppose Jupiter in Gemini, I am afraid we'll see a lot of holier-than-thou types, pontificating and pissing people off. Matter of fact, anger will be the emotional response to most any stimulus this week, so keep that in mind.
Saturday & Sunday - The Moon in Capricorn mixes it up with the cardinal T-squares. Expect people to be upset, most likely with cause. This is wicked energy to work with, but those who can manage it will strengthen themselves and their position.
Monday - People will show up to work, weary after coping with the stress of the weekend.  If you can be sensitive to this, it will help.
Tuesday & Wednesday - These days bring relief in the form of a grand trine in air.  We still have stress in the background, but people will have an easier time dealing with each other, which goes a long way.

If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult

I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here. Follow on Twitter.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P