Heads Up From Elsa P: September 13, 2012: New Moon in Virgo, Cardinal T-Square, Pluto Direct

Published: Thu, 09/13/12

All eyes on Virgo as we head towards the powerful new moon in the sign which takes place Saturday evening in the US.  This energy is exceptionally pure.
To take advantage of the new moon, work to edit or clean up some area of your life. Don't waste the opportunity, because things will become more visible to the public on Sunday when the Moon and Mercury move into Libra. You can equate this to getting your hair and nails done before a big date, or cleaning your house for company. Your effort now will smooth things later.
Sunday, we'll be introduced to the cardinal t-square that will be with us for the rest of September. It involves the Sun and/or Mercury in hard aspect to Uranus and Pluto. This will upset egos and jar minds, but also shake people from their complacency which can definitely be positive. I will go into this more next week, as the energy will dominate at that time.
This week, we've got to deal with the deep shift in the collective, signified by Pluto turning direct on Tuesday, September 18th.  This is an extraordinary day as Pluto turns direct in an exact square to Uranus. On top of that, the Moon and Mars will be in Scorpio on the 18th.

There is some bizarre choreography here as Mars leaves Scorpio and Saturn moves in, making this a day to watch. If you string this all together, this picture emerges:
Prep (Virgo) for the big date, meeting or social occasion (Libra) that changes your life on a deep level (Uranus square Pluto).
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult
I also have a variety of astrology reports available for  $10 or less.  Check them out here. Follow on Twitter.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P