Heads Up From Elsa P: November 8, 2012: Solar Eclipse In Scorpio, Persnickety Anger and a Sea Of Lies

Published: Thu, 11/08/12

There are two things to keep an eye on over the next seven days.  First, Neptune turns direct on Saturday as it squares Mercury in retrograde. Second, we have Saturday's solar eclipse in Scorpio to look at. These events will dominate the week.
Eclipses scare people. They're sexy, especially when they take place in Scorpio. The Sun and Moon receive no hard aspects, so while the eclipse is potent, it's also clean.
The house in your chart where the eclipse lands will be infused with pure, powerful energy, which can be put to use however you please. Think along the lines of being (Sun) and feeling (Moon) powerful, with nothing nagging you or holding you back. I realize this scenario may overwhelm some, but it's worth trying to harness this energy to some degree. You can do that by setting an intention as outlined here.(link to post)
The Mercury Neptune square is concerning and is likely to be more problematic than the eclipse as it's very easy to be undone by your own thinking. The truth will be obfuscated under this aspect, and let's face it, it's hard to navigate a sea of lies.  People will be easily misled this week. In many cases they'll mislead themselves, so if you tend to delude yourself by nature, be extra careful this week. Er... don't believe everything you hear!
Here's your day by day:
Thursday & Friday:  The Moon takes hits from Mercury, Chiron, Jupiter, Mars and Neptune as it transits Virgo.  Think persnickety anger, overblown and misdirected. If you work in customer service - beware!
Saturday: Neptune turns direct as the moon in Libra forms a cardinal T-Square with Uranus and Pluto. Some will fight for control in the fog.  Others will use intuition to lead, heal and keep the peace.
Sunday:  Sweet! Jupiter trines the Moon conjunct Venus in Libra. Many will get a big kiss out of this. If nothing else, this will be a pleasant day when most will be cordial, generous and forgiving.
Monday: The Moon in Scorpio conjuncts Saturn and is challenged by Uranus in Aries. It's here people are likely to feel trepidation and/or a sense of foreboding as we head into tomorrow's eclipse in Scorpio.
Tuesday: The eclipse takes place in the afternoon in the US. Set your intention when you wake up.  Focus your energy and feel the power.

Wednesday: The Moon leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius as Mercury (retrograde) leaves Sagittarius for Scorpio.  Either way, there is an upside to brooding,
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult
I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here. Follow on Twitter.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P