Heads Up From Elsa P: October 25, 2012 - Full Moon in Taurus, Spirited Debate, Underlying Motivations & Halloween

Published: Thu, 10/25/12

People clash on Thursday as the Moon, Mars and Jupiter form a mutable T-square. However, the Sun is conjunct Saturn and most should be able to manage their energy.
In fact, Mars in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini all week, so expect people to spar over their beliefs. If you can manage not to blow your top, you'll probably benefit from the dialogue so keep that in mind.
Tuesday the Moon enters Aries where it conjuncts Uranus. These bodies oppose Venus in a late degree of Virgo, setting up conditions for an emotionally-heated intellectual exchange. Most people feel the whole world is polarized and no one will give, but with three oppositions dominating this week, I'd not bet the farm on that.
People are still butting heads on Saturday and Sunday, but this is not the only way to express this energy. These are good days to go and do and try something new for a change.
The Moon enters Taurus Sunday night, becoming full in the sign, mid-day on Monday. Take advantage of this great opportunity.  Also note this sets up a third opposition in the sky as the Moon opposes the Sun and Saturn in Scorpio. Expect people to slow down and dig in their heels as Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs.
Saturn is involved with the full moon. We've also got a cardinal T-square involving Venus, Uranus and Pluto in effect on Monday and Tuesday so expect to see people jockey for control. People may be nice to gain power. I suppose this is better than taking it by force. In whatever case, people will have underlying motivations for their behavior, but what else is new?  Also keep in mind their motivation may be positive.
We close out the week celebrating Halloween in the US.  I realize it's a weeknight, but things are going to be poppin' out there.  Expect lots of action and variety. Sounds like a Happy Halloween to me.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult
I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here. Follow on Twitter.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P