Heads Up From Elsa P: October 11, 2012 - New Moon In Libra And A Lull In The Action Offers A Powerful Opportunity

Published: Thu, 10/11/12

We have a mild week on tap, with the potential for deep healing thanks to a combination of influences. People will be surprisingly generous as recent tensions fade.
With an emphasis on Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio this week, the lull in the action offers a powerful opportunity to align your mind with your gut.  Think deeply. Try to establish a connection between your intellect and your subconscious so that you may better understand that which is primal inside of you.
There's your overview. Here is the breakdown, day by day:
Thursday -  The Moon leaves Leo for Virgo, forming a T-square in the mutable signs. There are no harsh planets involved so if conflicts arise, they should be easy to resolve.
Friday -  The Moon conjuncts Venus at 10 degrees Virgo.  If you have planets near this degree, expect a kiss of some kind. For everyone else, there is a lot of mental stimulation and talk of beliefs (Mars in Sagittarius mashed with planets in Virgo and Pisces).
Saturday - With an emphasis on Virgo and Scorpio, this is a good day to clean up disgusting gunk, both physical and metaphorical.
Sunday - The Moon in Libra forms a T-square with Uranus and Pluto, but is supported by Jupiter in Gemini.  If there is emotional (Moon) upset, a person will have perspective (Jupiter) on it.
Monday - People are relatively upbeat to kick off the work week under the new moon in Libra. It feels like a fresh start, but some may have a sense of foreboding as there is a shift in the evening when the Moon enters Scorpio to conjunct Saturn in the sign. Pay attention to how you feel Monday evening, to gain insight into the transit of Saturn through Scorpio.

Tuesday -  The Moon and Mercury in Scorpio aspect Jupiter in Gemini and Venus in Virgo, offering keen insight into complicated issues. People with planets near 16 degrees of any of these signs are particularly affected. 
Wednesday - Minds are still keen. The Sun in Libra applies in conjunction to Saturn in Scorpio. If you've developed boundaries over the last couple of years, you shine as an example of someone moving toward further empowerment.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult
I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here. Follow on Twitter.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P