Heads Up From Elsa P: July 19, 2012 - Jarring Challenge, But That's Not All!

Published: Thu, 07/19/12

I hate to sound like a broken record but the Mars, Uranus, Pluto T-square is in effect all week. There are some sweet spots in there but make no mistake, when we've got a configuration like this in the sky, it's going to be noticeable.
To cope, you might put this in the background, the way you would if you were trying to work and kids were playing nosily nearby or your neighbors were having a loud party. It's a distraction but it won't last forever and I'm sure you have things to do.
If you have planets in aspect to the T-square (roughly 6-12 degrees Cardinal), you'll probably be more personally affected.  If this is the case, be prepared for more jarring challenge. I'll make no remark around a person's ability to handle the challenge because many are good at meeting what comes their way, especially when they are forewarned.
Basically, expect people to be impatient and quick to fly off the handle and potentially become violent.  Do what you can to be a cool head yourself and you should be able to avoid at least some altercations. While this energy is intense and potentially very dangerous, it sure can get you out of a rut. Here is a two minute video on this topic.
With that out of the way and understanding this program will be running in the background, I'll outline the finer points of the individual days of the week:
Thursday:  The Moon and Mercury in Leo are supported by Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries. This is good for creative people and the heart in general.  Hearts (Leo) and minds (Mercury) are fired up (Mars) as people innovate (Uranus) and think independently.

We've still got a Leo Moon but it separates from Mars and Uranus. This is okay.  Thursday is akin to a space shuttle launch. Friday you cruise on the prior day's momentum.
Saturday:  The Moon leaves Leo for Virgo, opposing Neptune in Pisces so you may miss the shift. The Sun is also preparing to leave Cancer for Leo. This is akin to a large scale set-change. You may be able to take a time-out during the transition and if you can, I would.
Sunday: Set change complete! The Virgo Moon squares Venus and Jupiter in Gemini so you'll probably witness some verbal gymnastics.  At best people are clever, generous, funny and knowledgeable. At worst they're criticizing know-it-alls.  The Sun and Mercury are in Leo now so we should be treated (or tortured) with some drama, depending on your perspective.
Monday:  The Moon in Virgo works well to kick off the work week, but she's heading into Libra where she collides with the cardinal T-square. Based on this, I'd recommend getting your work done early so you'll be free to deal with whatever might crop up.
Tuesday:  The Moon in Libra meets Mars as it opposes Uranus in Aries and squares Pluto in Capricorn.  Emotional upset is almost a given under a sky like this but that doesn't mean you personally have to go off.  Ground and manage (Capricorn) your anger (Mars) by detaching or taking some space (Uranus).
Wednesday: Things improve as the Moon in Libra trines Venus in Gemini which allows people to feel satisfied with their relationships. She also picks up support from Neptune in Pisces as the day progresses, and I think this will go a long way toward easing angst.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult
I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here. Follow on Twitter.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P