Sounds Treacherous

Published: Wed, 02/14/18

The new moon in Aquarius is tomorrow. We're all on to this, so let's look ahead.

First, Venus in Pisces is closing its square to Mars in Sagittarius. There are endless ways this might play.
  • Preachy idealism
  • Sacrifice for higher ideals
  • Drive to give generously
  • Believing yourself or the other to be a saint... or sinner for that matter
  • Marching orders from God
  • Self-undoing on steroids
Sounds pretty treacherous, I guess. Sorry about that. Perhaps it's Saturn in Capricorn checking Neptune in Pisces.  The Little Mermaid is make-believe! 

Mars in Sagittarius can boast with the best of them. You need something more to deliver the real goods.

Post tomorrow's partial solar eclipse, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury will leave Aquarius for Pisces, joining Venus and Neptune in the sign. By next week, the stellium in Pisces will be in full swing through March 5th. 

Read up here - Stellium in Pisces.

That's a lot of Pisces. I highly suggest you learn to lie back and float. Without heroin, I mean.

Also, an early heads up for Americans: Mercury Retrograde will affect the 2018 tax season. Get dates and details here.

Have a great day,
