Not Exactly Minutiae - Subconsciously Driven

Published: Mon, 02/26/18

The full moon in Virgo may mark the energetic high point of the week but the stuff we're dealing with between now and then is not exactly minutiae.  I realized this on Sunday, when I fired my mouth off.

I did not plan to speak up or out. I don't regret having done this but it was impulsive. That's when I realized that Mars is squaring both Venus and Mercury at this time.  It's possible you might cause harm to your relationships (Venus) if you do what I did.

It's also possible to cut a person to bring about healing. Hey! Surgeons do it all the time.

I'm not claiming this to be my motive - it was not my motive. I'm just giving you ideas!

I'm a fairly deep character and all that means is that I have a packed 8th house. If you're anything like me you do things on instinct. While you might understand your motive on some level(s), it's likely you're subconsciously driven in part. In LARGE part, often enough.

In this case, I spoke because the person I was talking to has been prodding me for specific information for nearly a year. A year!  I've tried every means possible to deflect her curiosity. I've also grown tired of of this operation so I decided to satiate her inquiring mind. I hit her with the info, hard and fast.

This was not because I wanted to hurt her. It was because we only had a few minutes.  So I said, "Look. I know you want to know and I will tell you. X and then Y so of course Z ."  Candor, right? Mars in Sagittarius. 

At no time did I try to act like I was a nice person. I am the person I am. I've been around long enough to know that people will see me however they please.

This the energy out there right now.  It's possible to have a coarse exchange with someone but it's also possible it will free you (or them or both of you).

I am pretty sure the woman loved/hated what I shared with her.  I mean, she has to be happy on some level. This was the meat she's been seeking for 350 days!

I wonder what she'll do with the info. I could get be harmed by her actions but I really don't care.  I'm just so sick of saying, "It's not as important as other things in my life... it's not worth discussing..." All these evasive remarks. So in this case, Mars in Sagittarius cut through all the fog and it's a relief, I'll tell you. 

But someone may feel victimized by my remarks: Victimization Under The Full Moon In Virgo - 2018

To be fair (says Libra), it's really hard to tell the victim from the perp at this time.  We're all a bit confused.

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