Verify Your Target

Published: Mon, 02/19/18

​The Sun is in Pisces now, joining Venus, Mercury, Chiron, and Neptune in the sign. We're going to live with this stellium (for good or ill) through March 5th. FOG. I've mentioned this for a couple weeks now. It's time to look ahead.

There is a full moon in Virgo on March 1st. It's mixed up with the stellium in Pisces of course, but Mars in Sagittarius is also involved. 

Yes, we may see some self-sacrificing do-gooding come from this. But there's quite a bit of danger with it from what I can see. So much so, I wrote about this earlier than usual.

Please read Victimization Under The Full Moon in Virgo.  It's going to be easy to act in ways that are misguided over these next weeks. On that note, a couple things come to mind.

Most of you know I am married to a retired Green Beret. He's taught me to "verify my target". I understand I should never fire on someone until I am absolutely sure of their identity. 

He was talking about shooting someone, but this concept applies to any kind of attack you might want to launch.   If you're not absolutely sure you want to harm a person, as well as deal with whatever consequences that may come of it, you should hold your fire.

Secondly, if you don't trust yourself, you can think (Virgo) in terms of evasive (Pisces) action (Mars).  Avoidance?  Avoid the conflict, hmm?

Bottom line, if you don't trust your ability to discern (Virgo), then avoid (Pisces) acting (Mars). Faith is a strong play here. True faith, not the delusional kind.

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