Shadowy Things & The Spice Of Life

Published: Wed, 02/07/18

The Moon in Scorpio conjuncts Jupiter with Mars in Sagittarius today. This seems a good time to seek depth and expand your knowledge of shadowy things.  "Shadowy things" does not have a negative connotation.

Aquarius rules astrology. There is a stellium in the sign which includes Mercury. You see where I'm going with this:  Let's talk and think about astrology.

  • Here's a bit about solar return charts, which people often use to scare themselves, unfortunately. I remind you that astrology is magnificently helpful. It's no different than having a knife. Sure they're dangerous, but how am I supposed to cook without one? Energy is neutral until it's directed!
  • On the common sense front, check out:  Great Synastry Between Two People Does Not Mean They’ll Fall In Love.
    This is a two minute long video. If you watch, you'll never have to wonder why two people are phenomenally compatible and it still comes to nothing.
  • I have a strong interest in Mars and the idea of being effective in life. I came across this recently:  Cutting Your Losses Is A Learned Skill.
    It will remind you to use the knife you've been issued in life!
  • Have you seen my astrology quote pages? I put these together many years ago, but I think it's amazing how people (celebrities) express their zodiac sign, right out their mouths, on a routine basis.
That's it for the day. 

"Variety is the very spice of life." So says Sagittarius William Cowper.

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Have a great day,