Shadow Of Your Ego, Pathological Patterns, Social Control & Other Fun Stuff

Published: Fri, 01/05/18

​Mars has been conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio all week.  The conjunction will be exact on Saturday. This is a good time to root around in your psyche. YOUR psyche, not theirs!

The Moon will be in Virgo most of the weekend. This seems a good pairing with the Mars Jupiter conjunction. Feeling industrious, if you make and effort (Mars), you're bound to benefit (Jupiter).

Yesterday, I pulled up some posts from deep in my archives.  This would be a great time to read posts tagged, "psychology".  I doubt you'll be bored.

The Sun, Venus and Pluto are also tightly conjunct at this time.  Learning and taking responsibility for the shadow side of your ego and/or or your pathological patterns in relationships is really indicated.

If you have a good idea what's dogging you and I have worked with the topic, you can't go wrong with one of my workshop transcripts.  There all meat, all the time!

Sunday, the Moon will enter Libra. Normally the collective mood lightens up with the Moon in an Air sign but in this case, the Moon will square Saturn in Capricorn. Expect to feel the need to control yourself, socially.

I have Libra and Capricorn in my chart and I tend to like this kind of stuff. At least I'm well acquainted with it.  Weighty relationships. Social burden. Responsibility to others.

Bottom line; if you're thinking you have the weekend off, think again!

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Have a good weekend,