Which Star Fell From The Sky?

Published: Tue, 11/21/17

The Sun will leave Scorpio to ingress into Sagittarius late this evening. It's like we're all pregnant, waiting for the baby to drop and/or the party to begin.

The Moon in Capricorn will conjoin Pluto on Wednesday. Feelings run deep and they may be disturbing. Everything is limited - it is what it is. But if you have a solid foundation or some emotional commitment, this can help ease your pain.

Meanwhile, Mercury is conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius. Many if not most people are watching their mouths at this time. There's a lot of fear out there and it may be justified.

These sex scandals have a lot to do with it. Without getting into who's right or wrong or guilty or innocent, everybody everywhere can plainly see a person can be cut off from from pretty everything, overnight. Every morning we wake up to see which star fell from the sky.

This is all prelude to Saturn's ingress into Capricorn in December.  By now, most are at least beginning to sense the seriousness of this transit.  Your karma is coming around, as is mine.  It looks like a train.

I have the transcript of my Saturn in Capricorn workshop ready to go now - Let's Get Real.  You might want to wait until after the holiday...or you may want to get it now.
I will be available for consultations over the holiday weekend, at least part of the time.  I keep a calendar online. You can check availability and schedule yourself here - phone consultations
If you prefer email, here's a direct link - email consultations.

Thanks! I hope you have a great day and happy Thanksgiving,
