Imagine Owning A Restaurant... A Cautionary Tale

Published: Fri, 10/06/17

Imagine owning a restaurant. People come to your restaurant to enjoy a meal and maybe chat with their friends.

Now imagine someone shows up at your little outdoor cafe loaded down with protest signs. They proceed to beat your customers over the head with the signs; just whacking people upside their head; drawing blood, teeth flying, false or otherwise.  What are you going to do?

The other day, I blocked someone on my website.  I have to do that now and then to protect my business. The person was just so obnoxious.  And they've been obnoxious for a long time. But I waited to take action on the chance they'd grow up. Wise up.  The time for that is just about up!

Saturn in Sagittarius should have taught us all that blurting has consequences.  Sagittarius is a generous sign.  It allows a very long rope. You're given time to learn. But Saturn in Capricorn expects more.

This doesn't mean a person will be cut off at the knees the minute Saturn ingresses into Capricorn. But a person had best be trying.  Slow progress is still progress. In fact, it's often the best progress as it allows you to adjust to changing conditions.

I'm writing this today because Venus and Mars are tightly conjunct in Virgo. You may want to scream and yell and criticize, but I'd think twice with Saturn in Sagittarius bearing down in hard aspect.  Is it really the smartest thing to do?

There is another angle to consider.  Mars Saturn is known to be cruel. Is what you're about to say cruel? Are you sure this is how you want to represent yourself, your ideas (Virgo) and beliefs (Sagittarius)?

This is a really good time to take a pause. It's also a good time to join my Saturn in Capricorn workshop seeing as it starts on Monday!  This class will spare you a lot of grief as well as allow you to support the people around you.  I'm sure of this: the price is right, you won't regret it! 

Come join us & Get Ready To Get Real!

Have a great weekend!
