The Woman Is Unnerving...

Published: Mon, 11/13/17

We kick off the work week with an exact conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio.  I think of feminine power broadcast far and wide. The woman is unnerving. You may or may not trust her. You may not dare to trust her.

This makes no judgment on her actual trustworthiness.  We may be talking "Glinda the Good Witch" here or of some female saint. Joan of Arc stood to be burned at the stake. She certainly left a legacy!

In whatever case, this conjunction sets the tone of the week. It's all about Scorpio, and all this intensity will culminate at the time of the new moon in Scorpio on Saturday morning.

This is an oddball new moon, to my eye. I explain this here, as well as offer succinct ideas around its effects by house - New Moon in Scorpio.

I treated this new moon in more depth in my Holiday Guide. I am not going to keep harping on this, trying to sell you. It's there if you want it and it covers the time between the new moon and the beginning of January.  I think it's worthwhile; so if you're on the fence about it, this is the time to lock on.

It reminds me of some kind of airlock being activated.
Or the point where the bar comes down on an amusement park ride.
Or the moment when you stand atop a wave.

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