See For Miles...

Published: Fri, 11/10/17

Neptune will turn direct on November 22nd.  Forget all the usual stuff you might read about this event. This is a big deal on a grand scale. I explained this here: Universal Situation Improving.

This is an exceptionally good time to think about something like this. Mercury is currently transiting Sagittarius, the sign known to look to the future and the big picture. The planet is squaring Neptune in Pisces. Minds are wide open at this time.

You know how there are times when you can see for miles? The next few days are like this. Take the opportunity to open your mind and look around.

If you haven't yet gotten your 2017-18 Holiday Guide, now is the time.  The coverage begins on November 18th for the new moon in Scorpio.

Seriously, if it saves you even one conflict, it will have paid for itself in spades. I hear this all the time... I wish I had read this before I did this. Thanksgiving is gnarly.  Be prepared!

Your purchase helps keep me going and supports Satori's work as well as she is in on this. These guides are a joint project.

Enjoy today's Grand Trine in Fire. Thanks and have a great day!