Clearer Skies Ahead

Published: Fri, 09/15/17

Looking at the sky on Friday, it's all a bit much! We're still enjoying a Grand Trine in Fire but we have a T-Square in the Mutable signs and a second T-square in the Cardinal signs.

On top of that, Mars is still conjunct Mercury in Virgo. Communications are sharp!

I intended to have my Saturn in Capricorn workshop ready to go today. I do have it together, behind the scenes. However there's still a significant number of people who can't access the site.  Good luck to me, having to push (Mars) to have this fixed (Virgo) without being so pushy, I anger people. 

That's a good example of the struggle we're all having right now. We want what we want but reality exists!  For example, the man who works on my site has a day job and a family.  He spent his Labor Day holiday helping me out of a bind. I've got to wait!

Saturday and Sunday, things should simplify. The Moon will be in Leo which aligns it with the Fire brigade.  Planets in Leo also plays well Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius but they also catch support from Jupiter in Libra.  If you're striving like I am, you can expect a lot of problems be resolved by Monday.

On the Jupiter front, the planet will leave Libra for Scorpio on October 10th.  Diane wrote about that here - Jupiter In Scorpio.

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Have a great weekend,
