Boilin' It All Down

Published: Wed, 09/13/17

You should not be surprised by the brisk tone of these newsletters these days. Mars is conjunct Mercury and there's a Grand Trine in Fire out there.

The picture is related to the hack of my website. That's my son with his Mars in Scorpio, trying to secure his bedroom @ seven years old.  It's interesting - Hackers, Security, Etc.

Next, I am getting the Saturn in Capricorn workshop ready to launch; setting up the private forum and such. I had much of this done before the hack. It now has to be redone.

How telling, I run into this obstacle that results in a delay or higher education (Saturn in Sagittarius). 

No big deal; I persevere. I hope to have this ready by Friday. This is a super important class. It's occurred to me it should be compulsory for some. That's a Capricorn joke.

To be clear, signup should be available, soon, The actual start of class will probably be pushed back until the first week of October. We're working this out now. Details will be available soon,

I also want to advise you, the New Moon in Virgo is coming up. It takes place around midnight in the US as the 19th becomes the 20th.

This is yet another exceptional situation. You can read about it here:  Unusual New Moon - Effects By House.

As for today, the moon in Gemini fills in a Mutable T-square that includes the Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius and Chiron in Pisces. This letter is a good illustration of this energy.

It's creative (Sun).
It's got a wound (Chiron).
It's got a story about working towards a vision (Saturn in Sagittarius).
I am the mommy (Moon) of that boy.

Last, my website is live. If you are having trouble accessing it, please try clearing your browser's cache. If that does not work, please check your ip. Send me the number and I will investigate!

Have fun out there and please support this newsletter by shopping for your astrology reports here!

Have a great day,