Mouths Move Fast If They Can!

Published: Wed, 10/04/17

Midday, we shift into FIRE mode as the Moon leaves Pisces for Aries. Aries ruler Mars is currently in bed with Venus in Virgo. The nutty full moon takes place tomorrow! Crazy interesting!

Things will move fast over the next two days, or at least they'll try to. Mouths will move fast too. So will cars, bikes, trains... if they can.

I say that because Saturn is still blocking Venus and Mars. I'm sorry to keep bringing it up, but this hacking business is a great example.

You can see the number of attacks (Mars) guarded against (Saturn) in a 24 hour period.  So there is that, but there's also great focus on me/we or us/them.  Most of us are blocking someone or something at this time!

Being a peacemaker is a high expression of the energy.

You might challenge (Mars) yourself (Aries) to get along with others (Venus/Libra) even if it's difficult (Saturn).

People who do take a high road of that type may very well be successful, which is another expression of this energy. Drive for status or to materialize a visualized goal!

Speaking of goals, bone up (Saturn joke) on what's 'round the corner when Saturn hits Capricorn. Join the workshop nowand Get Ready To Get Real!

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