Quashing Rage & Various Other Sundries

Published: Mon, 10/02/17

First off, my Saturn in Capricorn class starts in one week. Get in there!  The price is right - Get Ready To Get Real!

Outside of that, Venus and Mars are conjunct in Virgo. Both bodies are squared by Saturn. You may quash your desire, to say something. That something might be loving (Venus), rageful (Mars) or both!

You may also reject some amorous overture... or be rejected yourself. Fear of the latter may be what stops you from initiating.

Others will assert themselves in spite of their fear. They may suffer consequences because of it, but hey! Living life as a coward is not much fun.

Some kind of authority (Saturn) may block an attack (Mars). This is is not necessarily a bad thing!

For example, I got my site back, post a hack attack, using a WORD (Virgo) FENCE (Saturn / boundary).  Literally, that's the name of the plugin I'm using to defend my site / my speech (Virgo).

This is also a good day to push for education. Act (Mars) by joining my class!

Sorry for the pitch, but as you can see, the astrological conditions are ideal for such a thing.  A little knowledge goes a long way and when it comes to Capricorn, absolutely nothing beats starting off on the right foot!

Have a great day,