Yelling At A Mirror

Published: Fri, 09/29/17

Mars was conjunct the Sun through all of July and the first half of August. People were pushy!

Mars has been conjunct Mercury for most of September. Verbal attacks, my site was hacked, we've seen neighborhood wars, etc.

Now Mars is conjunct Venus, and it's about to get really interesting.

These planets will form an exact conjunction at 19 degrees Virgo, on the same day the Moon is full in Aries. October 5th!  Watch what happens between now and then.

The emphasis will be on Aries/Libra or the me/we axis. If you like a back and forth exchange, this may sound really good to you.  Personally, I think it may get a bit stabby! "Stabby" as in with a knife, not "stabby" as in I misspelled, "tabby".

You don't have to be afraid. Just don't turn your back!  The Transit Watch on this is here - Crazy Interesting.

As for the weekend astro-weather, Friday is mixed. Mixed as in "confused" as opposed to mixed like a perfect martini.

Saturday and Sunday will be much easier with the Moon in Aquarius trining a stellium in Libra. Perfect time to detach and watch the conflicts brewing, thinking you won't be involved in any of them... hah!

What about the NFL deal? Unity / United States...we get there by stabbing and jabbing, right?  You have to admit it's a phenomena, regardless of what side you take. 

And how about Saturn in Capricorn and it's association with knees?  You can't tell me you've nothing to think about!

Saturn in Capricorn class is here.
Schedule a consultation here.

Have a great weekend,
