What About James Cameron?

Published: Wed, 09/06/17

I get a kick out of James "I'm The King Of The World" Cameron. He's a Leo, of course. He has the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in the sign.

A couple weeks ago, he picked a fight with Hollywood when he insulted the blockbuster movie, Wonder Woman.  I thought it was funny.

I thought it was funny because I'd just written about people with their Sun in Leo being challenged (and challenging) this year.

This was because there is a Sun Mars conjunction in the solar return chart of every Leo out there.  In this case, Cameron might have been competing (Mars) for attention (Leo).

Don't get me wrong. This is not a Leo diss! I have Venus in Leo and I love actors and theatrics. But I really think this is going to be great to watch over the next year.

If you're interested, there is more here:  Sun In Leo To Be Challenged In 2017-18.

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