Coffee Will Work!

Published: Mon, 09/04/17

Please note - We're still battling site problems - yow!  Some of the newer content is lost forever, but the site is mostly up now and here comes your letter...

It's Monday. We still have the grand trine in fire.  We also have Jupiter in Libra supporting the Moon in Aquarius. This looks like a good, upbeat day.

Tomorrow, things shift as Mercury turns direct in Leo, conjunct Mars which ingresses into Virgo.  Did I confuse you?

Mercury turns direct at 28 degrees Leo.
​​​​​​​Mars is at 29 degrees Leo, but ends the day at 0 degrees Virgo.

It's a bunch of details. Bottom line, we're heading into the full moon in Pisces. Later this month we have the impressive line up in Virgo.

It's enough to know we're moving out by the end of the day. Use the morning to fuel up. Coffee will work!

I'm glad about all this, even if I can see a tough road ahead. It's true, I hate stagnant water. You've heard it before:  You either get busy living or get busy dying.  Pretty easy choice.

If you have problems you can't seem to solve, I have something that will help.  This workshop, Using Astrology To Solve Problems & Get What You Want, is an enormous piece of work.  It WILL help you, at a bargain price - $60. It's about one third the cost of an hour of therapy. Check it out!

Have a great day,