Price Increase

Published: Mon, 06/12/17

It must be Saturn heading into Capricorn.  No one wants to waste their money!  How's this for cost-efficient astrology...

I was writing for a client this weekend. It was an hour-long consultation. Most of my email consultations are for thirty minutes, so this was unusual for me.

As I was writing, I realized that the majority of the problems the client was having was due to her Neptune in Capricorn. Soon, Saturn will enter Capricorn and conjunct Neptune for her generation.  It's going to be a mess.

I was writing along and I realized that even though I had a lot of time to write, she would be best served by reading my Saturn Neptune workshop. It's sixty pages long! It just seemed it would be a better deal for her.

Since she'd paid for the time, I decided to offer her the workshop transcript in lieu of some of the time she'd paid for. I brought up a calculator and to my shock, realized the workshop would cost her SIXTEEN minutes of her consultation. I was floored!

Having this hit me, I've decided to raise the cost of these workshops.  Every single one of them is a phenomenal bargain.

I'm going to do this as soon as I finish my latest class  (Using Astrology To Solve Problems). This will be mid-month. If you're interested in buying before the prices go up, here you go:|

Saturn In Scorpio - A Serious Piece of Work

Saturn in Sagittarius - A Real Education

Saturn Neptune - Staying Stable As Reality Morphs

This workshop is meant for people who have Saturn in their 12th house, natally or by transit. Also people with Saturn in Pisces or Neptune in Capricorn, Neptune in the 10th house, or Saturn in aspect to Neptune, especially hard aspects (conjunction, square or opposition).

Venus Saturn - Find Your True Love & Soulmate

This workshop is for people with Venus in the 10th house or Capricorn, Cancer or Capricorn rising, Saturn in the first or seventh house and people with Venus and Saturn in aspect.

These workshops are well worth your time, money and trouble to study.  Thank you and have a great day!
