Bitcoin, Life Alert, Garden Party...Cheat Sheet

Published: Thu, 06/01/17

Here is your cheat sheet through Sunday...

Thursday - June 1st

We've got a grand trine in earth and Saturn in Sagittarius stabilizing the impulsive and potentially genius Venus Uranus conjunction in Aries. It's a day like today that something like Bitcoin is invented. Enjoy!

Friday - June 2nd

The Moon, Mars, Saturn and Chiron form a mutable grand cross.  It reminds me of that old commercial for Life Alert, "I've fallen and I can't get up!" You may feel that way today, but for most of us it's an illusion. These feelings will be fleeting. If all else fails, wait for it... Saturday.

Saturday - June 3rd

The Moon in Libra conjuncts Jupiter.  You will probably feel good and be ready to seize control of some social thing.  Jupiter is also exactly trine the Sun in Gemini.  Garden party, anyone?

Sunday - June 4th

The Moon in Libra opposes Venus and Uranus in Aries. People may need some space. If so, they may get it by starting a fight.

But most will stick together and battle it out. One-upmanship is the word of the day!

Last - Start thinking about the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 9th. It's big and it's important!