
Published: Fri, 04/28/17

Friday will race by. We've got Mercury conjunct Uranus in Aries, Venus entering Aries and Mars conjunct the Moon in Gemini.  Blink and you'll miss it.

Saturday, you're likely to hit some kind of block as the Moon in Gemini opposite Saturn squares Chiron and eventually Venus in Aries.  However, there's no need to get wrapped around the axle. The Moon moves quickly and its effects are fleeting.

Taking that idea a bit further, if you can keep in mind that many things are short-lived by their nature, this should help you navigate.

There is such a thing as seething anger, but there is also anger that comes in a flash and leaves just as quickly.

It's the same with relationships. People come and if they want to go, let them.

Sometimes things (or people) move and it's just best to get out of their way. I want to give you an example.

Last year, a gal told a group of us that she was leaving her husband, leaving the town, leaving the state. No one wanted her to go, but we all kept our hands off.

That woman did leave. But six months later, she was back.

Air and fire.
Space and motion.

Bottom line - don't invest in your bad mood which will probably be gone in three hours anyway.

Note - thanks to all who responded to invitation to send their data and their story so it might be used in my next class. I announced the class, yesterday. Pop over for details or to sign up - Using Astrology To Get What You Want!

Have a great day,