17th Year Of Non-Stop Blogging

Published: Mon, 04/10/17

Yesterday marked the start of my 17th year of non-stop blogging.  This year's solar return is super structured with Saturn on an angle and the Sun and Moon in cardinal signs and houses.

If you're interested, you can take a peek here - 2017 Solar Return.

I like the chart. It looks like some combination of perseverance, expansion, rebellion and grace. I feel optimistic because I'm comfortable with all of these things.

I also like that Mars takes no hard aspects. I am so sick of fighting... with anyone. I'm just not interested.

I make an effort each day. I've come to realize I don't want to expend my effort fighting. I've learned a great number of people prefer fighting to anything else you might offer.

Once I recognize this, I opt out. I want to work productively with people who want to work with me.  It's such a joy to work with someone and get something down that is mutually beneficial, or at least beneficial to someone. Anything but endless bickering over minutiae.

The chart promises this kind of year. It's brave, open minded, experimental and nice.  It also has Jupiter in the 4th house, which I love. Happy family, see? Upbeat mood.

I know a lot of people who are subscribed to this letter have been reading me for YEARS. Thank you so much for your support. I appreciate it more than you could know!