Daily Cheat Sheet...

Published: Fri, 05/05/17

Welcome to Friday! I'm not sure I will be able to keep up the pace of these letters in the near term as my energy is focused on writing for class. But here is a cheat sheet to take you to Wednesday's full moon in Scorpio.

Friday: Sun in Taurus, Virgo Moon, Pluto in Capricorn form a grand trine in earth. Perfect time to establish some kind of foundation, built to last!

Saturday: The Moon will ingress into Libra and oppose Venus in Aries. He wants, she needs. He needs, she wants.
You may also see women at each other's throats or on the rampage, in general.  The other way to play this, ladies, is to act heroically and lovingly.

Sunday: This should be a much better day. Mars in Gemini trines the Moon conjunct Jupiter in Libra.  You should have no problem finding sociability out there if this is what you seek. What you "seek" matters in this case. Because if you seek gossip, you can find that too!  But Saturday's catfight energy will have dissipated.

Monday: The Moon in Libra gets caught in a cardinal T-square with Mercury and Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. More crap, I have to say. More pressure, more tension, but this should be the devil you know.

Tuesday:  We'll enjoy some harmony today. The Sun in Taurus forms a tight trine with Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces.  Think about it.  Both lights supported by outer planets. I like this situation a lot.

Wednesday: This is the day I'm waiting for. It's the Full Moon in Scorpio - Raw & Authentic and the start of my class:  Using Astrology To Get What You Want. Five more days to get in before it starts.

Have a great day,
