Family Stew

Published: Mon, 04/03/17

Venus retrogrades into Pisces today. You're more likely to notice the impact of the cardinal cross.

We've got the Sun in Aries squaring the Moon in Cancer. Jupiter in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn fill in the other points.

As the Moon moves deeper into Cancer, Uranus in Aries comes into play. Basically mom, dad and the baby are likely to be upset.

I am talking about family here but also your family in the workplace, my family in the forum on my blog, and the family around the world, if you want to think big. We're all in the stew somewhere.

On the upside, there are some really good aspects out there today. Namely Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn. These bodies play well with Neptune in Pisces and the Cancer Moon.

When I add it up, I come to this conclusion:  If you run into a problem today, which is likely, you should be able to push through and solve it.

If you don't solve your problem or at least progress in that direction, you probably didn't try very hard.

I don't mean to be judgmental. It's just that Mars in Taurus is capable, like an ox pulling a cart up a hill.  So if you opt to eat chocolate all day, obviously that cart's not getting up the hill.  

Free will for all! Make your choices and live with them.

Last, Mercury turns retrograde on Sunday, April 9th.  Get details here - Stress!

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