Dealing With The Aftermath

Published: Mon, 03/27/17

The new moon in Aries acts the starring role today, sort of. I've mentioned it repeatedly, so today I'd like to look ahead.

Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn have been squared off since early 2012.  Many of us have seen our lives turned upside down with this. Some have been nearly completely wiped out.

These planets are separating now.  To illustrate, consider that by the end of June, Uranus will be at 28 degrees, Pluto at 18 degrees. This marks the end of the event.

Yes, you're left to deal with the aftermath however that might look in your life.  But it's history now. These planet won't be in hard aspect again until they oppose around 2048.  That should give you some idea of the scale of what we have all lived through.

Outside of the new moon, we now have a large stellium in Aries that will be maintained until the end of the month.  The house(s) in your chart where this stellium lands should be quite HOT at this time.  Details here.

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