Shadow Side Of The Inflated Person(ality)

Published: Wed, 03/15/17

Recently, someone in my forum asked if people would prefer a Jupiter or a Saturn transit to their Sun.

Jupiter - good.  Saturn - bad.

The answer should be obvious, but many of us have seen the shadow side of the inflation of the self or ego (Sun) brought to light over the last year or so. A person might choose the Saturn transit out of an abundance of caution.

No one wants to be the high-flyer that smashes into a wall, to slide down it onto the floor. I wrote about this in 2014 - High-Flying People Come Down To Earth.  Where is Brian Williams now?

Saturn in Sagittarius is currently squaring the Sun in Pisces.  This will be hard on people who live (Sun) as victims (Pisces). 

If you're feeling this, there's only one way I know to address it. Ask yourself how you might be responsible for your plight. Then, with that foot on the ground, ask yourself how you're going to get up and out of your hole and frame your identity in a different, better, more accurate and authentic way.

When you get right down to it, very few of us are saints.  The upside of that is that it's us little people - mortals - who fall in love, have friends, help others and just in general get things done.

A regular left a comment on my blog recently. She simply had to do the thing she didn't want to do. Try to deal with whatever you're avoiding today. While snow may melt on it's own, there are other things, you've simply got to shovel.

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