Not Mary Poppins

Published: Fri, 01/27/17

I'm known around here for baking scones. I've baked many hundreds of them and given them away to a great array of people, for no reason for months and months.

I've no reason to do this other than I felt like doing it. I have a spatula that says: "Stay Calm and Bake!" I guess it relaxes me. I do get into it.

Then, yesterday morning, I brought scones to two people. A third person saw me and asked, "Where's mine?"  This caught me off guard. I'd just baked for her, four days prior. I found myself apologizing and promising to bake for her the following week. On the way home, I told my husband this would be my last batch of scones for a while.

"I just can't believe..."

"They think you're Mary Poppins, P," he said.

"Hmm," I said. It sounded like a grunt.

The new moon in Aquarius takes place late this evening. It lands in my first house. I've been pushing away to make space for myself.  I tend to be a warm person so I'm not entirely comfortable with what I'm doing; but I feel compelled. There is nothing wrong with Mary Poppins, but I don't want to be typecast.

Are you stuck in a role that limits you? Now is the time to break out of it.  Get ideas here - New Moon in Aquarius - Effects by House

Last, don't forget that all the planets are still direct at this time. Mars will enter Aries today, adding fuel to the fire.

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