Stabbing & Dodging Knives

Published: Wed, 02/15/17

Jupiter conjuncts the Moon in Libra today. This usually puts people in a good mood.  But Uranus and Pluto are involved which makes this unpredictable.

That doesn't mean you won't feel (Moon) optimistic (Jupiter). You may very well surprise yourself (Uranus in Aries) by generously forgiving others (Jupiter in Libra).  

This would be an action. According to Issac Newton:  "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction."

This means the more potent (or poison) your action, the more potent (or poison) the reaction.  

However, a person can poison you and assuming you survive, you do not have to respond in kind.  You will react, of course. But their poison is potent energy which can be used.

If you want to better understand what I mean, I wrote a series about this. Check it out - Stabbed In The Back? No Problem!

That's how it is at this time. Some people are stabbing, others dodging the knives. Most are doing both!

If you happen to get stuck, just remember you have options in terms of how you react.

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Have a great day,