Cheat Sheet For The Rest Of The Year...

Published: Wed, 12/28/16

The new moon in Capricorn takes place on Thursday, just after midnight. That means you'll want to set your intention today.  Keyword - maturity.

There is a definite opportunity with this. Mercury is highly involved, so Gemini and Virgo should pay particular attention. Get details here - Effects of the New Moon.

Later in the day, Uranus will turn direct in exact opposition to Jupiter.  Fortunes can change in a blink as can a person's perspective or direction in life.

This is a big one. If you're not one to make New Year's resolutions, you might want to make an exception this year. This is a chance to be free of something. Plus, if you don't direct energy, there's a greater chance it's able to direct you.

Things lighten up for the weekend as the Moon leaves Capricorn for Aquarius Friday evening. She joins Venus in the sign. Both planets are supported by Jupiter in Libra.  This is a good set up for a party.

Also note, with Uranus direct, the planet is now separating from Pluto. Most reading this have read me for a long time. You're well aware of the devastation created with these outer planets clashing over the last four years. Having come through this crisis is one reason we can all lighten up.

New Year's Day looks particularly good as the Moon will conjunct Venus in Aquarius, encouraged by Jupiter and stabilized by Saturn in Sagittarius. If you believe that starting out on a "good foot" matters, 2017 is looking pretty sweet.

Have you got your 2017 Transit Report?  This is a great product at a great price. If it helps you avoid even one clash all year long, it will have paid for itself.  It's a safe bet it'll do a lot more than that!

Happy New Year!