Transit Calendar Updated Through 2018

Published: Tue, 12/27/16

A number of years ago, I was searching online for a list of important transits during a specific time frame. At the time, I thought the Internet had everything, right?  I quickly learned this was not the case.

I could find a list of ALL aspects. I could find a list of full moons or new moons or eclipse dates or whatever.  But I could find nothing truly useful.

This is when I decided I'd work to fill the niche. Soon after, I put my
Transit Watch Calendar online.

In the process of creating the calendar, I realized why there is (still) nothing like it on the Internet. Maintaining it is labor intensive! 

I fill in the hard aspects, the ingresses, the Rx periods, the new and full moons for a year. I blink and that year is gone. I finally became so overwhelmed that I threatened to take it offline. A reader stepped in to help me, can you believe it?

She's done the work for several years. Last year she filled in 2016 and 2017. This year, I decided to give her a break. I've just finished filling in the calendar for 2018.

To explain further, I start the year with the basic info online. Then, as the year progresses and I come across interesting things (like enduring grand crosses or large stelliums in a sign), I add these to the database.  So while it's filled in through the end of 2018, it remains a work in progress.

I also link the calendar entries to blog posts on the topic, when they exist. Basically, I am INTO this calendar!

Please pop over and check it out. Transit Watch Calendar.  Flip ahead to your birthday, your friend's birthday or whoever.  Also, share this thing! Seriously, please do share it. Because the work is done, I've been at it awhile, and I plan to continue... for another ten years.

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