Picking Up The Gauntlet, Hurtling Towards The Future

Published: Wed, 01/25/17

Remember all planets are direct at this time. We have two more weeks like this. Hopefully, you're rolling towards a goal at this time.

Personally, I've been using this time to be totally back on track professionally. I've been halfway side-lined for a year due to numerous, intractable health problems.  Thankfully, all of these problems are resolved now. I feel like I'm back in 2010 or something. Go, go, go, GO!

I like this timing. I'm using this "hurtling-towards-the-future" period to get as much done as possible ahead of gardening season, which I participate in fully.

Next, and in a similar vein, please note there is a new moon in Aquarius Friday night.  This is a potent new moon because it's unaspected.

This new moon presents a challenge. Winners will reinvent themselves in some way - F-A-S-T.

I've offered ideas, depending on where the new moon lands in your natal chart. Check them out here - Throwing Down The Gauntlet.  This needs to be done in advance.

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Have a great day,