It's A Sin To Bore People

Published: Mon, 01/09/17

I'm sorry! I fell behind on my newsletter writing. I usually keep up during Mercury retrograde. This time, I've had a lot of delays, do-overs and I've made numerous mistakes.  I'm hoping to straighten things out over the next few days.

First, we have a full moon on Thursday.  I sent you a broken link on Friday. Here's the correction:Full Moon in Cancer - The Thing.

The full moon takes place very early in the morning so expect to see affects of this manifest on Wednesday.  There is a grand cross that comes with it. Read up!

As for this morning, the Moon in Gemini will square the stellium in Pisces today. People may be snippy.

Tomorrow, when the moon hits the later degrees of Gemini, she'll oppose Saturn and Mercury in Sagittarius. She'll still be affected by the planets in Pisces. 

To understand, imagine one person (the moon) talking to a group (stellium) when some others (Saturn and Mercury) join the conversation. Whether or not this improves the conversation, depends on how the new people handle themselves. But we're talking Sagittarius here, so odds are the overall impact will be positive.

This is until and unless someone starts pontificating. Saturn's involvement should curtail that but you never know.

It reminds me of what my (double Aquarian) mother used to say, "It's a sin to bore people."

Try to recall this if you find yourself going on and on and on and on and on and on.

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Have a great day,